Amarna Letters: Opening of a Letter from Tushratta to Akhenaten, King of Egypt

Opening of a Letter from Tushratta to Akhenaten, King of Egypt

To Napkhuria[1], king of Egypt, my brother, my son-in-law, who loves me and whom I love, thus speaks Tushratta, king of Mitanni, your father-in-law who loves you, your brother.

I am well. May you be well too. Your houses, Tiye[2] your mother, Lady of Egypt, Tadu-Heba[3], my daughter, your wife, your other wives, your sons, your noblemen, your chariots, your horses, your soldiers, your country and everything belonging to you, may they all enjoy excellent health.

[1] Napkhuria: Amenhotep IV Nefer-khepru-re Akhenaten
[2] Tiye: Wife of Amenhotep III, mother of Akhenaten
[3] Tadu-Heba: Daughter of Tushratta, first married to Amenhotep III, then to Akhenaten.
