The Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt - Sections of the Museum

Sections of the Museum

The Sections of the Museum are divided as a historical period:

Section 1: The first section covers Tut'ankhamun objects including Jewelry of different periods and tanis objects.

Curators :

  • Mrs. Hala Hassan
  • Mr. Mokhtar Aboudoh
  • Miss Abia El-shamy
  • Miss Omima el-said Aly

Section 2: The second section covers the period of the Predynastic and Old Kingdom objects.

The department includes four main eras of the ancient Egyptian history:

  • The prehistoric and the predynastic period (about 10,000- 3200B.C.)
  • The archaic period of Egypt including the first and second dynasty (about 3200-2700B.C.)
  • The old kingdom, from the third dynasty to the sixth dynasty so called the pyramids age (about 2700-2150B.C.)
  • The first intermediate period (about 2150-2130B.C.)

The department has more than thirty thousand objects registered in sixteen books. The objects of the department are displayed on both floors of the museum. The galleries of the department on the ground floor are NO:31, 32 ,36, 37, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 51 The galleries on the first floor are NO.: 31 32, 36, 41, 42, 49, 53, 54, 55.


  • Mr. Mahmoud El-halwagy
  • Miss Seham Abdel Razek
  • Miss Khold
  • Mr. Mohamed Mahmoud
  • Mrs. Salwa El-dokashy
  • Mr. Gamal El belem

Section 3: The third section covers the Middle kingdom period and its objects

The Middle kingdom period in the Cairo museum covers the periods including dynasties 11-12(2140-1785B.C.) This period is considered the golden age of literature .The middle kingdom period section is in two floors, the ground floor and first floor, including the atrium. The ground floor contains all the big and heavy objects of this period such as statues, stelae, offering table and sphinxes.

The atrium contains some of the colossuses of the new kingdom period. The second floor room 19 has the gods and goddesses statues. Room 34 has the objects which represent the daily life of ancient Egyptians and room 27 has the models of daily life. Room 37 contains the wooden coffins of middle kingdom period.


  • Mrs. Salwa Abed El-Rahamn
  • Miss Elham Aly
  • Mrs. Nesma Ismail
  • Mr. SAmey Abed El-shafey
  • Mr. WAhid Edwar

Section 4: The fourth section covers the New kingdom period and its objects

The New Kingdom Department in the Egyptian Museum covers the period including Dynasties 18-20 (ca. 1550-1070 B.C.). This period is considered the golden age of Egyptian civilization. The new kingdom department is in two floors; the ground floor and the first floor.

The Ground floor contains all the big and heavy objects of this period such as the statues, stelae, offering tables, coffin, shrine, and sphinxes etc. The rooms and the galleries of this floor are :3, 6-15 and 20. Rooms 6-8, 11-12 and 13 contain all the objects of the 18th dynasty while room 3 only has the objects of the Amarna period made for Akhenaton and members of his family.

Rooms 9, 10, 14, 15, and 20 hold 19th and 20th dynasty (Ramesside Period) artifacts. The first floor contains the small funerary equipment, groups and artifact from the tomb of Tuhtmosis III, Tuhtmosis IV, Amenophis II, Hatshepsut and Horemheb. Room 17 holds funerary equipment from the tomb of Sen-nedjemand and his family TT no.1 in Deir el Medina, and the artifact from the tomb of prince Maherperi of the 18th dynasty. Room 22 has funerary objects from the valley of the kings. Room 29 contains the writing equipment and all the Hieroglyphic and Hireatic Papyrus and most of these papyrus called Book of the Dead of different periods. Room 43 contain all the funerary equipment from the tomb of Yuea and Thuya (the maternal grandparents of Akhenaton)


  • Mr. Adel Mahmoud
  • Mrs. Soha Mahmoud
  • Miss Inas Abed El hamid
  • Mr. Ibrahim Abed El-Gawad

Section 5: The fifth section is representing the late period and Greco-Roman period.


  • Mrs. Zinab Tawfik
  • Mr. Mohamed ALy
  • Miss Sabah Abed El razek
  • Mrs. Wafaa Seidk

Section 6:The sixth section is concerning papyrus and coins of different periods

The collections are kept in two rooms NO. 2E & 2W on the ground floor

The Papyri Collection:

All the collections are not on exhibition. They are registered in the special register of the section that gives basic information for each piece. Some numbers describe more than one piece. The majority of the papyri are fragments, extremely fragile and required a special handling. Others are kept in boxes. The most important work of the curators of the section is the conservation, preservation and restoration of the collections.

The papyri are written in various languages , Hieroglyphic, Hieratic, Demotic, Greek, Aramic, Coptic, Latin and Arabic. The most famous collections written in Hieroglyphic and Hieratic are the book of the dead. Among the Greek collections there are two kinds of papyri:

  • Literary papyri :some poems of famous poets like Aristopan, Aeschilus,..etc.
  • Documentary papyri :some famous archives for Zenon, Isidorus, Oxyrenchus, Tebtunis, Cairo, Maspero, Hibeh, Fayoum, ..etc

Subjects in general speaks about Tax receipts, marriage, contracts and other subjects of every day life.

The Coins Collection:

There are thousands of coins though all of them are not on exhibition. They are mostly used in studies made by students and numismatologists. They belong to different periods including Ptolomaic, Graeco, Roman and Islamic. They are made of gold ,silver, and bronze. The most important, famous and unique pieces are three pieces from the late period .There is a hieroglyphic sign on the obverse of them called (Nub_Nefer) that means Fine Gold.


  • Mr. Said Hassan Elsaid
  • Mrs. Takwa Ibrahim

Section 7: The seventh Section is covers the Coffins of the 21th and 22th Dynasty, Scarabs, and other different objects .


  • Mrs. Somia Abed ElSami
  • Mr. Lotfy Abed Elhamid
  • Miss Azza Abed 3alim

Section 8: Mummification Lab Section Curators:

  • Mrs. Abeer Helmy
  • Miss Marwa El ziney
  • MissSahar Shafik
  • Mr. Tarek Abed El-Alla
  • Mr. Ashraf Abed El-Sami

With the General Director of the conservation and research section Mr. Nasery Eskader. Section 8: The Conservation Section of the Egyptian Museum

  • Dr. Nadia Lokma
  • Mr. Samir Abbaza
  • Mr. Hatem Abed El latif
  • Mr. Ahmed Orabey

Also the Museum is concerning to improve the role of the Education and Cultural section, Through the programs for the school's students, Lectures for the Staff and Guests.

The Chief of the Section: Miss Elham Aly

Room no. 44 on the ground floor is a room for temporary Exhibition now.

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