The Inscription of Kheti II
I brought a gift for this city, in which there were no families of the Northland, nor people of Middle Egypt; making a monument in ............... I substituted a channel of ten cubits. I excavated for it upon the arable land. I equipped a gate [for] its ............ it in the ground of [...] in one building, free from [...]. I was liberal as to the monument [...] [...] ........... [I sustained] the life of the city, I made the [...] with grain-food, to give water at [mid]day, to [... ...] ........... [I supplied water] in the highland district, I made a water supply for this city of Middle Egypt in the [mountain], which had not seen water. I secured the borders ... ... ... [...]. I made the elevated land a swamp. I caused the water of the Nile to flood over the ancient [landmarks], I made the arable land ... ... water. Every neighbor was [supplied with water and every citizen had] Nile water to his hearts desire; I gave waters to his neighbors, and he was content with them.
I was rich in grain. When the land was in need, I maintained the city with kha and with heket. I allowed the citizen to carry away with himself grain; and his wife, the widow and her son. I remitted all imposts which I found counted by my fathers. I filled the [pastures] with cattle, [every] man had many colors; the cows brought forth twofold, the folds were full of calves. I was kind to the cow, when she said, "It is [...]," I was one rich in bulls ... his ox; ... ... he lived well.
I was one rich in monuments of the temple, ............. [who increased] that which he found, who repeated offerings. I was a favorite, ............
I was one strong with the bow, mighty with his sword, great in fear among his neighbors. I made a troop of soldiers ........... as commander of Middle Egypt.
I had goodly ships, ... ... ... ... a favorite of the king when he sailed up-river.
I was one [vigilant] in that which he said; with a [determined] heart on the evil [day]. I had a lofty tomb with a wide stair before the chamber.
I was a favorite of the king, a confidant of his princes, his [exalted ones] before Middle Egypt. He caused that I should rule as a child of a cubit (in height); he advanced my seat as a [youth]. He had me instructed in swimming along with the royal children. I was one correct of [speech], free from [opposition] to his lord, who brought him up as a child. Siut was satisfied with my administration; Heracleopolis praised god for me. Middle Egypt and the Northland said: "It is the instruction of a king."
Saith [Kheti] .......... born of Si[t] .............. night watch ........ in glorifying his name.
........[Then mourned] the king himself, all Middle Egypt and the Northland .............. The king himself and the counts were gathered together [for the burial. He was interred in his tomb of the] highlands.
The son of his daughter made his name to live and glorified [him]. ........... [His daughter ruled in Si]ut, the worthy stock of her father [reigned in the city] ............. beloved of Upwawet, rejoicing in doing good to [her city] .................... beloved of the king, his favorite. The city was satisfied with that which she said. ........ [She acted as] lord, until her son became strong-armed .............
Sources: James Henry Breasted Ancient Records of Egypt ; Part One, 407 ff.