The Tutankhamun Collection

The Virtual Egyptian Antiquity Museum
Furniture and Boxes
Tutankhamun's wood chest veneered in ivory Tutankhamun's funerary bed in the form of cheetahs Tutankhamun's folding ivory headrest Tutankhamun's wooden cartouch shaped box
Elaborately Decorated Chest Funerary Bed in the Form of Lions Stained Ivory Headrest Wooden Cartouche Shaped Box
Tutankhamun's ankh shaped mirror box Tuthankhamun's Gold Throne Tutankhamun's wood Chair with gilded panels Tutankhamun's small, gold perfume box
Ankh Shaped Mirror Box Tuthankhamun's Gold Throne Child's Chair Small Container in the Shape of a Double Cartouche
Inlaid Chair Chest with Applied Gilded Decoration Cabinet with Hieroglyphic Fretwork
Painted Wooden Chest Inlaid Chair Chest with Applied Gilded Decoration Cabinet with Hieroglyphic Fretwork
Part of the Funerary Bed in the Form of a Cow Chair with Carved Figure of the God Heh Stool Imitating Leopard Skin Ornate Acacia Stool
Part of the Funerary Bed in the Form of a Cow Chair with Carved Figure of the God Heh Stool Imitating
Leopard Skin
Ornate Acacia Stool