Ancient Egyptian Crossword Puzzle 01/08/2007

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1 Protector of Childbirth (3)
4 A semi-circular domed recess, most frequently at the east end of a church (4)
6 God of Fertility (3)
7 A Turkish title of governors, high- ranking army officers or powerful civilians (3)
9 An Eye of Re (13)
13 A spirit that inhabits the body during life and may leave it in death, but requires the continued existence of the body for its survival (2)
14 Used in Islamic art, an intricate design of flowers, foliage or geometric shapes (9)
16 A symbol of protection, consisting of an image of a herdsmans roll of papyrus which he used as shelter (2)
18 The Astral God (3)
2 The official seat, center of authority, jurisdiction, or office of a bishop (3)
3 Containers found in ancient tombs which stored organs and viscera (2 wds.) (11)
5 Leonine Goddess (9)
6 Grandmother of the Gods (3)
8 Another Moon God (3)
9 God of the Spoken Word (2)
10 Deity of Darkness, Obscurity and Night (3)
11 festival usually celebrated after 30 years of a kings rule (3)
12 The Perceptive Mind (3)
15 A main reception hall in an Egyptian house in which the central section is set off with a high roof (3)
17 Kindly God of the Desert (2)
19 Tutankhamun's successor (2)