Ancient Egyptian Crossword Puzzle 04/25/2005

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Across 1. A symbol of protection, consisting of an image of a herdsmans roll of papyrus which he used as shelter
2. Pyramid architect
5. An Arabic word for a holy man or saint from any religion
6. From ancient Egyptian myth, the hill which was the first land to rise from the waters
8. Deity of Infinity and Eternity
9. An Islamic house or mansion
11. Kindly God of the Desert
12. Goddess of Weaving
13. A tower, usually within a fortified structure
14. Stars or constellations that rose once every ten days and by which the ancient Egyptians used to tell time
17. The Sun God
19. Another Moon God
20. A convex molding
Down 1. The immediate area inside or outside an arch
3. A form of hieroglyphs in script
4. The official seat, center of authority, jurisdiction, or office of a bishop
7. From pagan religion, the spirit that inhabits the body during one's life
8. Goddess of Music and Dance
10. The Sun God
15. Goddess of the Firmament
16. God of air and sunlight
18.Tutankhamun's successor