Ancient Egyptian Crossword Puzzle 05/21/2007

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3 Goddess of the Firmament (3)
4 An Arabic word for a holy man or saint from any religion (3)
6 amun animal (3)
7 A tomb (5)
9 The official seat, center of authority, jurisdiction, or office of a bishop (3)
10 5th dynasty founder (7)
12 An Islamic house or mansion (3)
14 the plateau (4)
15 A long tunic tied at the waist and of Oriental design (6)
17 The sacred shrine of Islam in Mecca containing the holy black stone and the focus of prayers (5)
1 The Bird of Creation (4)
2 A sculptural relief that projects slightly from the background (2 wds.) (9)
5 Modern name of heretic capital (6)
7 A walled monastery (4)
8 modern popular red sea coast beach town (8)
9 festival usually celebrated after 30 years of a kings rule (3)
11 The Great Destroyer (4)
13 Tutankhamun's successor (2)
16 Kindly God of the Desert (2)
18 From pagan religion, the spirit that inhabits the body during one's life (2)