Ancient Egyptian Crossword Puzzle 10/17/2005

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2God of Magic and Medicine (4)
3 The plateau (4)
5A symbol of protection, consisting of an image of a herdsmans roll of papyrus which he used as shelter (2)
6 Ramesses II's father (4)
9A long robe worn by Egyptian men (9)
12An administrative subdivision of ancient Egypt (4)
13From pagan religion, the spirit that inhabits the body during one's life (2)
15Deity of Darkness, Obscurity and Night (3)
17The Sun God (2)
19 Tutankhamun's successor (2)
20God of chaos and confusion (3)
1Centipede God (4)
2Mohammed's flight, or more properly his 'withdrawal of affection' from Mecca in 622 AD. The Muslim calendar starts from this date. (6)
4 Modern residential island (7)
5 God who symbolized allotted lifespan or destiny (4)
7The Perceptive Mind (3)
8God of Fertility (3)
9God of the Earth (3)
10A hieroglyphic sign for life similar to a cross (4)
11God of the Sea (4)
14Guardian and Gatekeeper of the Underworld (4)
16Ancient Cow Goddess (3)
18Kindly God of the Desert (2)