Ancient Egyptian Crossword Puzzle 10/30/2006

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Across 1. Temple of Amun location
5. Tutankhamun's successor
6. An Islamic house or mansion
7. A portion of a hall that is higher than the surrounding ceilings and which has windows for illumination
13. A sign in the script which is to indicate a dual or plural form
16. The arched chambers around a sahn or courtyard within a mosque
17. The Perceptive Mind
18. Amun animal
19. Grandmother of the Gods
Down 2. Kindly God of the Desert
3. The main area of a church, usually flanked by aisles
4. A spirit that inhabits the body during life and may leave it in death, but requires the continued existence of the body for its survival
6. First pyramid builder
8. A graphic representation, usually in its simplest form of the object itself, which represents the object in Hieroglyphics
9. The Sun God
10. Sign in the script which implies meaning, not sound
11. God of the Sea
12. A guard of a temple or of a tomb
14. A framework of rigid design used as a means of supporting usually either a roof or a bridge
15. The Muslim call to prayer