Egypt: Sinai - St Catherine's Monastery - Interior of the Basilica of the Transfiguration

Interior of the Basilica of the Transfiguration

Suspended above the gilded iconostasis in the central aisle

Suspended above the gilded iconostasis
in the central aisle is Christ on the Cross

One of the richly decorated panel

One of the richly decorated panel

Detail of a panel of the iconostasis

Detail of a panel of the iconostasis

The full iconostasis

The full iconostasis

A mosaic of the Transfiguration is probably

A mosaic of the Transfiguration is probably
the most important treasure in the basilica
Fresco of the Virgin Mary, Christ, Moses and St. Catherine
Fresco of the Virgin Mary,
Christ, Moses and St. Catherine

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Last Updated: June 28th, 2011