Egypt Picture - Stool from Sennedjem's Tomb

Stool from Sennedjem's Tomb

Stool from Sennedjem's Tomb


J.D. Dallet


Stool from Sennedjem's Tomb


The ancient Egyptians use a number of different types of seats, from plain low stools to the folding stools and armchairs with backrests. The lattice stool seen here was probably the most common and is widely represented in Theban tomb scenes as a seat for people of all ranks. It is made in nearly the same way as tables, but with a curved seat instead of a flat top. It is noteworthy that this seat along with several others from the tomb look worn on the top, indicating that they were much used in life. Based on the number of tables and chairs found in the tomb, it is believed that Sennedjem played an important social role with his colleagues and neighbors in Deir el-Medina.

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