Egypt Picture - Statue of Paakhref

Statue of Paakhref

Statue of Paakhref




Statue of Paakhref


This squatting statue represents Paakhref, son of Harsiese, the overseer of cargo boats of the Lord of the Two Lands. This type of statue is also known as "block" or "cubic" statue. Squatting statues appear from at least the beginning of the Middle Kingdom (2055-1650 BCE), as an addition to the repertoire of standing and seated private statues. These squatting statues represent an individual sitting on the ground, as here, or on a low cushion, with the legs bent up against the body, so that the knees are approximately at the same level as the shoulders. The cubic block of these statues shows more stiffness and allows inscriptions and representations to be carved more easily on its surface. These squatting statues were only made to represent private individuals, and at first were only situated in tombs. Later, they became a temple statue, as the pose represents a position of dignity. This statue type, starting as a funerary and commemorative offering, served well as an ex-voto, as the owner could put himself before the god and thus share in the offering.

Twenty-sixth Dynasty, 664-525 BCE; graywacke. Hieght 48 cm (18-7/8 in); width 22 cm (8-11/16 in); depth 32 cm (12-5/8 in). Karnak cachette (K.364). The Egyptian Museum, Cairo.

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