Egypt Picture - Aswan


Sunset at the Old Cataract Hotel

Feluccas at the Old Cataract Hotel

1902 Restaurant at the Old Cataract Hotel

Aswan at Night

Sunset at the Old Cataract Hotel

Feluccas at the Old Cataract Hotel

1902 Restaurant at the Old Cataract Hotel

Aswan at Night

Boats Along the Nile at Aswan

Sail Boats at Aswan

Nile Cataract at Aswan

Kitchener's Island at Aswan

Boats Along the Nile at Aswan

Sail Boats at Aswan

Nile Cataract at Aswan

Kitchener's Island at Aswan

Another View of Kitchener's Island

Feluccas at Aswan

A Look Down the Nile Valley at Aswan

Old Aswan

Another View of Kitchener's Island

Feluccas at Aswan

A Look Down the Nile Valley at Aswan

Old Aswan

The "Aga Khan"

The Aswan Bazaar

Aswan Bazaar and Carriage

Temples of Philae

The "Aga Khan"

The Aswan Bazaar

Aswan Bazaar and Carriage

Temples of Philae

Museum of Aswan

View of the "Aga Khan" from the Nile

Elephantine Island

Temple of Kom Ombo

Museum of Aswan

View of the "Aga Khan" from the Nile

Elephantine Island

Temple of Kom Ombo

Unfinished Obelisk

Sunset Between Aswan & Kom Ombo

View from the Island of Philae

Unfinished Obelisk

Sunset Between Aswan & Kom Ombo

View from the Island of Philae

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