The Tomb of Qa'a (Qaa, Kaa) in the Umm el Ga'ab section of Abydos

Tomb Q at Umm el Ga'ab in Abydos Qa'a - 1st Dynasty

Qa'a was the last ruler of Egypt's 1st Dynasty and his tomb is located in the Umm el Ga'ab district at Abydos. It has external measures of 24.90 x 15.50 x 5.00 meters. Inside there is a funerary chamber measuring 10.00 x 5.00 meters and a few rows of additional chambers. The tomb was surrounded by 26 subsidiary burials.

The Tomb of Qa'a

Above: The Tomb of Qa'a;
Below: The Floorplan of Tomb Q at Abydos belonging to Qa'a

The Floorplan of Tomb Q at Abydos belonging to Qa'a