Abdeen Palace Museum Complex - Cairo
Alexandria National Museum - Alexandria
Beit El-Umma (House of the People) - Cairo
Denshway Museum - Menofeya Governorate
The Egyptian Antiquities Museum - Cairo
Egyptian Modern Art Museum - Cairo
Gayer-Anderson Museum
The Graeco-Roman Museum - Alexandria
Imhotep Museum - Saqqara (Cairo)
Kasr (Qasr) El-Gawhara (Jewel Palace) - Cairo
Library of Alexandria Museum - Alexandria
Mawlawi Museum and Sunqur Sa'di Madrasa
Museum of Islamic Ceramics- Cairo
Museum of Modern Art - Port Said
Museum of Mohamed Khalil - Giza
The National Museum - Port Said
The Pharaonic Village - Jacob Island
Qasr Al-Eini Museum (Medical) - Cairo
Ramses Wessa Wassef Art Center
The Royal Jewelry Museum - Alexandria
Last Updated: June 14th, 2011
Last Updated: June 13th, 2011