City of Ismailia in Egypt


The Ismailia Governorate consists of an area of approximately 4482.8 km2 or 0.46% of Egypt's area, along the west bank of the Suez Canal. It has 70 km along the east coast.


The Ismailia Governorate is the capital of the Canal region where the Suez Canal Authority has its headquarters, and where the Suez Canal University is established.

Ismailia is located on Lake Timsah along the coast of the Canal, half-way between Port Said and Suez. The Governorate consists of five cities; Ismailia, Fayed, Al-Tal Al-Kabeer, Qantara west and east.

In the early days, Ismailia was called Timsah Village, but it was subsequently named after Khedive Ismail of Egypt. According to the census conducted in 1996, the estimated figure of the population was 715,000 inhabitants (58% urban 42% rural), or 1.21% of Egypt's.

Ismailia City is approximately 120 km from Cairo by the direct route "desert highway" or 135 km by the countryside road. All parts of the Governorate are joined with an integrated network of roads. This enables traffic to join the city of Ismailia with its suburbs.

The Ismailia Governorate has several ancient and antiquity areas:

Tal Al-Maskhota: It is in Abu Seir village, and was called so when workers found statues there in 1886. But in fact this place was "Baraton Ai" town. There is god Aton temple made from basalt, a Ptolemies alabaster coffin from the Ptolemi age, which is moved now to Ismailia Museum. It is one of the most important tourism places.

El Sadat President

Tal Al-Sahabe and Al-Azba 16: It is about 2 km south Abu Seir. There are monuments from the ages of Hyksos, Greek and Roman.

Tal Al-Naaima and Al-Gamaleen: It is 2 km south Al-Nafesha and Ismailia/Suez road. They are on the course of the Pharaonic canal "yenkao".

East Qantara town: It has Al-Riah route, Telal-Dafa, Afran, Oum Atla, Al-Sabtia and Al-Saidi. They are important ancient places, existing on Al-Biloz which was one of the Nile branches. There is also the castle of Basmatic of the 26th dynasty.

Tal Hassan Dawod: It is south Al-Baalow Al-Kobra village in Al-Dawaida village, about 4 km far from Ismailia. It is one of the places dating back to the pre-historic age and beginning of the dynasties. Its tombs were discovered in 1989 through 1992. There are 350 tombs dating back to the beginning and before the dynasties age.

Tal Al-Quaa: It is south Al-Kassaseen village and about 2 km south Mashage village, dating back to Hyksos age.

Tal Al-Ratabi: The most ancient place in Al-Tal Al-Kabeer. There were discovered a huge fence, a temble and tombs dating back to the Middle Age.

Tal Abu-Nashabe & Al-Hatab: They are south Tal Al-Hatab in the old kassaseen, on the Pharaonic canal which is known as "cisostreese" that was inaugurated during king Nakaw age of the 26th dynasty. Al-Tal Al-Kabeer and Al-Tal Al-Sakheer: They are tourist sites, also there are Tal Al-Bahr, Tal El-Sheikh Salem and Oum Bardy and Tal Al-Hear.

As to tourism and places of interest, Ismailia is strengthening its position as a city of the future in tourism field. There are lots of opportunities to have recreation, but there are also chances to relax in peaceful natural surroundings. It is undoubtedly the place to be in.

The Ismailia Regional Museum was established in 1932. It contains Pharaonic, Islamic, Greek and Roman collections from different periods.

Art on The Wall,  Ismailia, Egypt

Free Post or Area no 6 is a marvelous peaceful spot overlooking the Suez Canal. It witnessed many battles during the Arab-Israeli conflict. It was the site where in 1969 an Israeli shell killed Lieutenant General Abdul-Monaim Reyad, the then Egyptian Chief-of-Staff.

The memorial of 6 October, 1973 Victory was inaugurated on 5 October, 1992 on the east bank of the Suez Canal and was modeled after a Bayonet.

Mallaha Park is a truly magnificent park covering an area of 500 acres, planted with varieties of rare flowers, trees and palm that belong to many overseas environments.

Lake Timsah is known for its calm water on which many beaches are located and where there is opportunity for many water sports. It covers an area of 14 square km. The beaches that overlook the lake are Moslem Youth, Fayrouz, Melaha, Bahary, Taawen, in addition to the Suez Canal Authority beaches.

The Bitter Lakes are truly impressive lakes where the governorate has encouraged tourism by establishing new tourist villages such as: Morgan, Mashrabeya, Canary, Bullman, Safa and many other beaches.

Tabet El Shagara is 10 km from Ismailia. It was the headquarters of the Israeli enemy leadership during the October war.

The fields of investment are clothes and food industry, electrical appliances industry, land cultivation, animal production projects, establishing tourist villages, clays, glasses and crystal industries. Natural resources are sands, pebbles, lime stone, gypsum and pebble soil. The most important crops are clover, maize, sesame and wheat. Its fish catch amounts to 81.84% of the total figure for the country.

The National Day is 16 October, as on that day in 1951, people of Ismailia ignited spark of resistance against the British occupation.

The city is clearly divided by Sharia Sultan Hussein (street). One one side (east) the city is very peaceful and quite, while on the other side is a huge urban area.

See Also:

Ismailia Museum

Ismailia Hotels

Suez Canal

The National Museum in Port Said

Featured Hotel: Shamoussa Hotel

Last Updated: September 4th, 2011

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