The Revival of the Ancient Library of Alexandria - Manuscript 3

Manuscript 3

An exotic treasury copy of the poem Kawakib Ad-Durriya Fi Madh HayrAl-Barriya by Busiri

An exotic treasury copy of the poem Kawakib Ad-Durriya Fi Madh HayrAl-Barriya by Busiri, Saraf addin Ibn Abdalla Muhammad b. Baid ad-Dalasi (mort en 694 H. =1294 AD.) The poem is known as Qasidat al-Burda which is second to none but Banat Su'ad by Ka'b b. Zuhair. The MS was transcribed and ornamented for the book treasury (library) of a lady, Asha Bent Ismail Al-Khazen, colorful lines, gilded and copied in Tulut handwriting style in approximately the tenth century of the Higra in 29 leafs, size 32x23 cm. no. 225-A [Adab (Literature).
