Egypt: Red Sea - Dive Sites - White Knights

White Knights



By Boat

By swimming

By Live-aboard

All Divers







Just south of Ras Nasrani


Local or live-aboard boat from Sharm El Sheikh, Naama Bay or other ports

Average Depth:

20m (65ft)

Maximum Depth:

50m+ (164ft+)

Average Visibility:

20m (65ft)

White Night is located inside the point of Ras Nasrani. It starts from the shore as a small wall that descends 20 feet then becomes a sandy slope with large rocks and coral heads. These coral heads and rocks are full of animal life which includes hard and soft corals as well as fan corals. Just inshore from the boat morring a deep canyon extends down from the shallows, while to the north of this mixed sand and coral patches lead to a wide sand slope colonized by garden eels. To the south, a wooden wreck adds even more interest.

Most dives begin at the entrance to the canyon, a narrow opening leading down from an inshore sand patch. The narrow, sandy-bottomed canyon descends steeply, passing through a series of overhangs and two covered swimthroughs, one at around 15m (50ft) and a second, for advanced divers only, leading out to the reef face at 45m (115ft).

After leaving the canyon, there are two options. Turning right takes you south along the reef to the wreck, while a left turn takes you across the reef slope to the eel garden and a series of beautiful shallow reef patches.

Swimming south and gradually ascending, you will see a dense assortment of species, including star and cabbage corals. At around 14m (45ft), ten minutes swim south from the canyon, you will encounter the upturned bulk of a wood-hulled wreck. The Noos 1 was a local dive boat that sank in 1994 after an electrical fire in the engine room.

Be on the watch out for scorpion fish that are well camouflaged in the reef. The dorsal fins on these fish are very toxic and are best found by sight, not touch.

The typical depth range of the White Night area is 10 to 85 feet and is best accessed by a shore dive, boat dive or by a local guide. The expertise required for this area is a novice to advanced snorkeler.

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Last Updated: May 29th, 2011