Egypt: Red Sea - Dive Sites - Ras Nasrani

Ras Nasrani



By Boat

By swimming

By Live-aboard

All Divers








Western mainland point at the southern end of the Straits of Tiran


By shore, or by local or live-aboard boat from Sharm El Sheikh, Naama Bay or other ports

Average Depth:

20m (65ft)

Maximum Depth:

40m+ (130ft+)

Average Visibility:

20m (65ft)

This site is a sloping wall at the point of Raz Sasrani (Arabic for Christian Point). In profile, it varies between very steep to moderately sloping, depending on location - the steepest wall section lies south of the point, while the reef to the north flattens somewhat. Inshore, a shallow mini-wall follows the edge of the reeftop.

The reef is well covered in dense hard and soft corals, with lots of massive coral heads, some good branching forms, and a nice selection of colorful soft corals. Fish life is spectacular, with a huge range of reef and schooling species. Morays hide in reef crevices fusiliers, jacs, surgeons and barracuda school off the reef, and needlefish shimmer near the surface. Large turtles are also a common sight, paddling lazily along the reef slope.

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Last Updated: May 29th, 2011