Egypt: Red Sea - Dive Sites - Erg Abu Ramada

Erg Abu Ramada



By Boat

By swimming

By Live-aboard

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Off southeast Abu Ramada island, south of the Giftun Islands and about 12km (7.5 miles) southeast of Hurghada


By day or live-aboard boat from Sharm El Sheikh or Hurghada

Average Depth:

15m (50ft)

Maximum Depth:

18m (60ft)

Average Visibility:

20m (65ft)

This small site, on a group of coral pinnacles just offshore form Abu Ramada, is an incredibly dense collection of the best in coral growth and reef fishes.

The pinnacles are carpeted in rich layers of coral, with colorful soft corals predominating, along with some gorgonians and a fairly wide range of stony species. The openings and walls of the caves and cavelets are often particularly vibrant, with colonies of dendronephthia and other vividly colored soft corals.

Fish life here is sensational, with a reef fish population that seems concentrated on this small spot by the favorable conditions. Pelagics such as jacks and barracuda are equally common.

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Last Updated: May 30th, 2011