Egypt: Red Sea - Dive Sites - Safaga 1/Kilo 32 North

Safaga 1/Kilo 32 North



By Boat

By swimming

By Live-aboard

All Divers






38km (24 miles) north of Quseir. 32km (20 miles) north of Subex Dive Center


By jeep from Quseir, then slightly tricky shore entry from reeftop

Average Depth:

18m (60ft)

Maximum Depth:

35m+ (115ft+)

Average Visibility:

20m (65ft)

The dive is in a shallow bay north of Quseir, whose northern point gives some shelter from prevailing north wind and waves. The reef walls in the bay contain lots of cavelets and passages in depths of 5 to 6m (16-20ft). The reef outside the bay slopes down to a sandy bottom at around 25m (80ft). Just outside the bays north point, a long, submerged finger of reef extends to around 35m (113ft).

Stony corals predominate on the reef, with large heads of brain and star coral, lots of Acropora in tables and branching forms, and lacy corals. There is also good distribution of elephant ear, Dendronephthya and other soft corals.

The bay is home to a wide range of reef fish. Turtles are also prevalent, and bottlenose dolphins frequent this stretch of coast. Divers should take care not to get hooked or entangled in the many fishing lines along the bays northern edge.

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Last Updated: May 30th, 2011