Tut Exhibit - King Tutankhamun Exhibit, Collection: Other Items

The Tutankhamun Collection

Other Items

Tutankhamun's ivory papyrus burnisher Tutankhamun's case for a scribe's brush Tutankhamun's wood sandals with gold foil on stucco base Tutankhamun's ivory fan trimmed with ostrich feathers
Ivory Papyrus Burnisher Case for a Scribe's Brush Wood Sandals with Gold Foil on Stucco Base Ivory Fan Trimmed with Ostrich Feathers
Tutankhamun's dagger of hardened gold Tutankhamun's royal scepter Tutankhamun's bronze trumpet partly overlaid with gold Tutankhamuns's crook and flail
Gold Dagger and Sheath Royal Scepter Bronze Trumpet Tutankhamuns's Crook
and Flail
Tuthankhamun's Senet board mounted on ebony stand Model Boat with Rigging Tutankhamuns's Ivory head rest Tutankhamuns's Gold gilded Wood Chariot
Senet Game Board Model Boat
with Rigging
Ivory Headrest Gold Gilded Wood Chariot
Ostrich Feather Fan Model Boomerang Model Boat Votive Shield
Ostrich Feather Fan Model Boomerang Model Boat Votive Shield
Turquoise Glass Headrest Emblem of Anubis Ivory Clappers Leather Cuirass
Turquoise Glass Headrest Emblem of Anubis Ivory Clappers Leather Cuirass
Ritualistic Rattles Painted Barge
Ritualistic Rattles Painted Barge