The first site this month carries the title Egypt Land of Eternity

Egypt Month Egypt web review editor Siri Bezdicek

Siri Bezdicek

The first site this month carries the title Egypt Land of Eternity. Overall, this nice site is well organized and easy to navigate. The only problem I have with it is that its rather dark and therefore some images and links are hard to see. Egypt Land of Eternity offers information on topics such as tombs, kings and queens, monuments, and death and the afterlife. This site offers a different sort of information on the kings and queens of Egypt that I find interesting and innovative. Instead of the normal, much seen historical information, they show the hieroglyphs for each of the kings and queens, categorized by dynasty. Egypt Land of Eternity is an interesting site that deserves a visit.

Next, this month is a thinkquest site called Egypt, An Ancient Culture Revives. This well-done site offers a lot of clear, concise information. I am sure that much time went into this attractive, organized site. The background color is good making the print easy to read and there are a good number of graphics throughout the site. The index is at the top of each page making navigation extremely easy. The information offered on this site includes sections on architecture, people, customs and archaeology. Real Video is also offered on some of the pages. There is also a section called Funzone, which includes puzzles and a quiz that would be great for children. Allow some time for this worthwhile site and dont forget to check the additional in formation offered on the left-side menu.

Egyptian Express is the third site this month. Egyptian Express is a travel companys web site and I think it deserves some attention. This is a simple, yet elegant, site. The background color and graphics are very nice and understated they do not overwhelm the viewer. The print is fairly large and easy to read. Egyptian Express is easy to navigate with a menu at the bottom of each page. There are some pictures offered throughout the site as well. Egyptian Express offers detailed information on their tours and a page on their rates and terms that is very specific and easy to understand. There is also a page titled Useful Information, which is, in fact, very useful for someone wishing to travel to Egypt. It includes information on things such as health, photography, clothing and food. Even if you are not planning on travel to Egypt this site is worth a visit.

How the Ancient Egyptians Put Their Feet Up: Furnishings in Ancient Egypt By Ilene Springer

Mr. Mohamed Arabi: The "Bird Man" of Aswan By Dr. Susan L. Wilson

A Brief Look at the Sinai By Jimmy Dunn

Mummies of Ancient Egypt: The Process and Beyond By Catherine C. Harris

The Lost Feeling, Or Was It a Mummy? By Arnvid Aakre

Breaking the Color Code By Anita Stratos

Alabaster: Egypt's Rock of the Ages By Sonny Stengle

Wreck Diving in the Egyptian Red Sea By Ned Middleton

The Animals of Ancient Egypt By Caroline Seawright

Editor's Commentary By Jimmy Dunn

Ancient Beauty Secrets By Judith Illes

Book Reviews Various Editors

Hotel Reviews By Jimmy Dunn & Juergen Stryjak

Kid's Corner By Margo Wayman

Cooking with Tour Egypt By Mary K Radnich

The Month in Review By John Applegate

Egyptian Exhibitions By Staff

Egyptian View-Point By Adel Murad

Nightlife Various Editors

Egypt On Screen By Carolyn Patricia Scott

Restaurant Reviews Various Editors

Shopping Around Various Editors

Web Reviews By Siri Bezdicek

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